Visit of Nicolas Vadot

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capture-decran-2016-10-20-a-16-54-47Two weeks ago, Nicolas Vadot visited us. He is a French, British and Australian press drawer who lives in Brussels and works for the weekly Newsmagazine Le Vif/L’express (since 1993) and Finance daily L’Echo (since 2008).  He came to talk about his job and the organization he bongs to .


Cartooning for Peace is an international organization of  press cartoonists who fight with humour for the respect of cultures and freedoms.

The organization was founded after the reactions to the publication of the Mohamed cartoons in Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten on September 30, 2005. It led to a founding meeting of twelve international cartoonists on October 16, 2006, gathered together by Kofi Annan, Nobel Peace Prize and United Nations Secretary General and editorial cartoonist Plantu, from French newspaper Le Monde.


It was the right time and place to talk about the freedom to express in the respect of others after what happened last year. The artist had a nice presentation and then we had a talk with the opportunity  to ask questions and debate about certain points.

On the following wednesday we went to visit the exhibition at the French Alliance and we had to search after information in the exhibition and look after documentation at home to complete a collective work on press drawing.

History  – Places or entities –  Short presentation of 4 famous artists – Process